
ICONS - Alex Mitrecey

Alex Mitrecey [online + offline]

04/04/2024 — 11/05/2024

© 2024 saïdelhabibi artgallery
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A pop icon is a celebrity, character or object whose display in popular culture is considered to be a defining characteristic of a given society or era. Before the emergence of this new model of “pop” veneration, an icon was first and foremost a holy image, usually painted on wood, depicting biblical figures from the Christian tradition.

For his first solo show at Gallery ELHABIBI, contemporary painter Alex Mitrecey summons his icons. An assembly of fictional or real characters who inhabit his studio, his inspirations.

From Caravaggio to Basquiat, via Kardashian, in the manner of Jacques Prévert who “attempts” to describe a dinner party by creating a gallery of portraits, the targets of his satire; Alex creates his worldly reportage.


ICONS - Alex Mitrecey

April 4th - May 11th, 2024 EL HABIBI Gallery 14 rue Sainte Anastase Paris 03